What do eggs and attitudes have in common? Imagine an egg in its natural state. It is fragile, delicate, and can easily be cracked or broken. This egg is susceptible to outside forces such as you. It is the means to an end. In other words, you can do many things with it: fry it, scramble it, or make an omelet, soft- or hard-boil it.
Your attitude is like an egg. It is fragile and delicate. It can easily be broken by a poor self-image or become hard and cold. It can become scrambled when you don’t know what you are doing or fried when someone really upsets you. Like the egg, your attitude is susceptible to outside forces such as family, co-workers, supervisors, and society.
- Explore the delicacy of attitudes – and why protecting and projecting a positive attitude is the best way to stay successful.
- Discuss common scenarios that can influence attitude in the workplace.
- Learn to keep outside negative influences at bay.
- Reinforce how attitude is a conscious decision.
- Learn how to confront and manage attitudes in the face of challenging people and situations.
- Find out why motivation is an inside job.
- Use attitude-improving techniques to reduce mistakes, frustration, stress, and costly rework.