Word Trippers eBook

With Word Trippers at your fingertips, you won’t embarrass yourself or confuse your readers. Don’t waste (or is it waist?) time wondering which word is right. Quickly choose the perfect word when it really matters!


This easy-to-use word choice guide features almost 400 pesky pairings that commonly get confused. You’ll find answers to questions such as:

  • Do you use “fewer” or “less” when counting things?
  • When is “that” used instead of “which” in a sentence?
  • Can “famous” and “notorious” be interchanged?
  • Do “convince” and “persuade” mean the same thing?

With Word Trippers at your fingertips, you won’t embarrass yourself or confuse your readers. Don’t waste (or is it waist?) time wondering which word is right. Quickly choose the perfect word when it really matters!

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