
Monday Motivator: Gratitude

Hello Monday Motivators!

As we come to the end of November and my Monday Motivators series on feasting, today I want to talk about Gratitude.

First, I am grateful for you. Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to read Monday Motivators. If it weren’t for you and your gracious notes of appreciation, I would not still be writing Monday Motivators. If you have been a long-time fan, thank you for your dedication.

Being grateful has become a regular habit for me since 6 years ago. It actually started at one of the worst times in my life—when my husband, Dave, was diagnosed with Pancreatic Cancer. The short story is that my sister, Gina, bought me The Secret gratitude journal and encouraged me to start using it right away. I did and now I have more than 7 fat gratitude journals.

Every day we can think of something for which we are grateful, no matter how bad our day might have been. My son, Brian, and I have a new tradition. If we had a bad day and we happen to talk on the phone at night about it, we end our call with, “What are you grateful for?” And we both share. So no matter how rough things might be or how stressful our day might have been, we always end our day on a good note by being thankful. This is a good habit to get your kids into practicing.

Be sure to tell people you appreciate them and specifically what they mean to you. What is it about them that you appreciate? Are they a good listener? Do they always have an upbeat attitude, no matter what? Or are they always there to hear you out? You appreciate their generosity . . . or eagerness to help . . . or caring for others.

I know there are people who are afraid to express appreciation or aren’t sure what to say–men especially might feel awkward. There are so many benefits, though, when you express appreciation to others. If you aren’t comfortable speaking the words to someone, then write them a note. It’s good for them and it’s good for you!

Wishing you a very Happy Thanksgiving holiday! Be sure to get plenty of rest and enjoy family and friends!

Watch the video message: Gratitude

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