We all know how hard it is to mentally get back in our work mode after a holiday—especially a long holiday like Christmas season. Here are some tips to help assistants refocus on business and their priorities.
- Most likely the first thing you want to do is go through all the emails you did not look at and determine which ones must immediately be dealt with. You can then flag emails you will refer to later or use whatever system you have to prioritize and sort your emails.
- Before you meet with your executive, get your discussion notes together. Once again, prioritize the items that you need to discuss with your executive in case your meeting is cut short.
- Meet with your executive as soon as possible to update each other on what transpired while away. Prioritize tasks and projects. Make sure to leave enough time for discussion so you aren’t going back and forth with each other.
- Touch base with teammates and anyone who may have covered for you if you were out of the office during the holiday.
- If necessary, write a list (or whatever method you use) of what must be done.
- Focus on your “A” priorities.
- Make time for some physical activity your first week back—get your body moving—blood flowing—physical energy going.
- Think about the exciting year ahead. What is on the horizon for 2020? What is something to look forward to at your workplace? Is there a new class you are looking forward to? In other words, it helps to have a carrot dangling out in front of you.
Last, take your first week back one day at a time, moment by moment.
Wishing you a fantastic 2020!
Joan Burge

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