I am overwhelmed by the hundreds of assistants worldwide who contributed to a Gratitude Book that was presented to me by my son, Brian, on my birthday (August 16).
I don’t really take the time to stop and think about how I impact tens of thousands of administrative and executive assistants around the world. I just do my work. I focus on how I can help assistants live a better life, increase their productivity, and improve the quality of their work life. My work is not work. I love being of service, helping others, being with people and making friends across the globe.
So, of course, I was overwhelmed as I read email after email about how a person’s life was greatly impacted by me—my teachings, lessons, words of wisdom and inspiration, and strategies. I was deeply touched by the words many assistants used to describe me, such as: elegant, well poised, great leader, energetic, smart, vibrant, and always has a smile on her face.
There was one cool piece Judy B. wrote that I’d like to share with you. Judy said:
You get what being an administrative person is.
You get what we go through at work.
You get the need for flexibility, professionalism, teamwork, and the need for confidentiality.
You get that sometimes we’re the behind-the-scenes support, but that we don’t often get the recognition we deserve.
You get that sometimes we need another person’s shoulder to lean on for administrative encouragement.
You get that some of us are administrative junkies and always will be, so we’re forever learning more and growing more.
Yes, you truly get it!
If you would like to read some of the great notes of gratitude I received or look for your own note, you can do so by CLICKING HERE.
If you contributed to my Gratitude Book, thank you from the bottom of my heart. I am deeply touched and grateful for you.