BIG Celebration! Celebrate Who You Are!

This week I encourage you to . . .

  • Celebrate WHO you are.
  • Celebrate WHERE you are in your life.
  • Celebrate WHAT you have.

I have been in the personal growth and development industry for 25 years (as of 2015), I know that we put emphasis on developing new skills; assessing our skill gaps and taking courses that make us smarter and better at our jobs; setting goals in various aspects of our life. I have believed in all those things since 1970 when I graduated from High School.

But you know what? We need to celebrate ourselves today. We need to accept ourselves—flaws and all. No one person is perfect—or the smartest at “X” or the best at “X.” Yet, we are perfectjust as we are! Does that make sense? In the United States, we put a lot of energy into looking our best, having a big house or driving a fancy car. Women especially never feel like they “look” their best. Parents push kids to be in every sport to be the “best.”

Please do not get me wrong. These are all good. And TODAY, we need to be happy with who we are. It is because of our yesterdays, yesteryears, and because we did push ourselves and set goals that we are where we are today. All the years’ past, helped shaped who we have become. So embrace yourself. Celebrate YOU because you are magnificent. Give yourself a big pat on the back. Look in the mirror and say, “I’m pretty terrific!” That is not ego; that is loving yourself. When we do that, we become better people; better co-workers; better parents, friends, sisters, brothers, sons and daughters.

When we embrace ourselves, we are able to give more to the world. We focus on what we can do to create a better work environment or help those in need. If we focus on what we lack, we only think about how we need to fill that gap.

Have you ever thrown yourself a birthday party? I did two years ago on my 60th! Do you know what? I am so happy I had that party with my friends and family. It was my gift to them for being in my life and a gift to me because I treasured my life. I will never forget it. You ought to try it some time.

Here are some definitions of celebrate to kick-start your thinking:

  • To rejoice
  • To commemorate
  • Participate in a party or have a good time
  • Live it up
  • Praise

Maybe I have not met you or seen your face. But in my mind, I’m picturing the thousands of wonderful people out there who read my Monday Motivators taking this moment to celebrate yourself. I celebrate YOU!

How do you celebrate who you are? I would love to hear from you in the comments below.

Catch up on this Year of Living and Working BIG here.


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