Underneath It All Book by Joan Burge

Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month

Why are we so passionate about Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month?

Joan and Dave BurgeOn November 1, I would have celebrated my 37th year wedding anniversary with my husband, Dave, had pancreatic cancer not stolen him away from me. November just happens to be Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month and I hope you will take just a few minutes to read my post.

Unfortunately, very few cases of pancreatic cancer are found early and patients usually have no symptoms until the cancer has spread to other organs. Right now, there are no blood tests to find early stages of pancreatic cancer. There is no cure for pancreatic cancer. My husband battled this ugly, deadly cancer for three long years. He was a warrior and my hero.

Pancreatic cancer ranks as the fourth deadliest cancer in the United States and it’s estimated that there were 45,220 new pancreatic cancer diagnoses in 2013. Those individuals who are in the field of studying pancreatic cancer are saying that if we don’t gain momentum with funding and research and finding a cure, by 2020, this will be the 2nd deadliest cancer.

Office Dynamics donates a 10% of profits from book sales of Underneath It All. For the month of November, we will donate 50% of profits from the sales of Underneath It All to the Pancreatic Cancer Action Network. Why this book? Because I wrote this business book for administrative professionals during my husband’s battle with pancreatic cancer.

Underneath_It_AllUnderneath It All Book Prelude:
Here is the Prelude written by Marilyn Pincus, an author and good friend to Joan Burge.

This book could not have been written at an earlier date. Is it because ….

  • of world events? NO
  • the role of the Admin has changed markedly? NO
  • more Admins are ready for more information? THAT MAY BE TRUE but –
    it’s not the whole story.
    The answer isn’t complicated. The revelations, however, are profound!

During the past three years, Joan Burge has ventured into new worlds. She has gone kicking and screaming onto new playing fields. She would never agree to visit these places but, no one gave her a choice. Joan Burge has been a visionary for administrative training and development since 1990. She is the author of other books; most notably, BECOME AN INNER CIRCLE ASSISTANT. But this book, UNDERNEATH IT ALL is different because Joan is different. Suffice it to say, Joan has met the enemy and its name is: mortality. She has been immersed in the fight her husband of 31 years wages against pancreatic cancer. As a successful entrepreneur she is accustomed to being in-charge. As a one-time highly appreciated Admin herself, she knows how effective finely honed skills are … let me learn how to do it and I’ll do it.

Well, she is not in-charge. She cannot learn what has not yet been discovered. She cannot do what is undoable. In the process of finding ways to cope – ANOTHER DIMENSION has been revealed to Joan. She “sees” how it relates to everything! This is why UNDERNEATH IT ALL is a book whose time has come. You’re about to explore key points with Joan that lead to success and you’re likely to wonder who switched on the lights? Once you “see” what is underneath it all, you will become a more effective person. In short, you will not become a more effective Admin. You will not become a more effective Mother. You will not become a more effective Life Partner. You will become a more effective Admin, Mother and Life Partner.

While life was happening around her (e.g., her own major surgery, her beloved father’s unexpected hospital confinement in another state and other once-in-a-lifetime personal challenges), Joan’s work also produced three years of solid research which concluded: 90% of the requirements for being a successful Admin revolve around the soft skills … 10% revolve around technology and technical skills. Three years ago, this was virtually unknown but that’s not all …

On the final pages of UNDERNEATH IT ALL you’ll find the Curtain Going Up On Things To Come which spotlights something Joan calls Admins’ DNA.

In the world of biology, DNA refers to deoxyribonucleic acid. It is the molecule that encodes genetic information. (Source: www.biology-online.org/dictionary/Dna.)


What does that have to do with Admins?

  • Joan has identified “what it takes to be the best in this profession.”
  • Not everyone who aspires to be an assistant is well “encoded” to
  • That’s quite a revelation coming from a woman who is an eternal optimist, a dynamic motivator and a tireless proponent of encouragement.


Know the Symptoms of Pancreatic Cancer:

Pancreatic cancer is sometimes called a “silent” disease because symptoms are rarely present in its early stages. Many patients have advanced disease by the time it becomes noticeable to the patient and doctors. If symptoms are present, they are often vague. Patients may experience different symptoms depending on the location, type and stage of the cancer. Symptoms that commonly lead to diagnosis include: jaundice, abdominal and/or back pain, new-onset diabetes, unexplained weight loss and loss of appetite.


How Can You Get Involved with Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month?

You can get involved in many ways from donating money to attending local events that might be held in your community. Visit http://www.pancan.org/events-fundraising/

Purchase a copy of Underneath It All.

Post a “selfie” on your social networking sites of yourself holding a Purple Letter P and tag it #purplepselfie and join the cause in raising awareness.

Thank you!

Joan Burge

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