Welcome to November—the 11th month of 2017! With just less than two months to go, how are you going to wrap them up? Are you going to fizzle out as the weeks pass or are you going out with a bang? Do you feel like you are running out of steam or taking one big, deep last breath to push through the next eight weeks?
Many of you might be thinking, “Thank goodness this year is over. It was a horrible year; a stressful year; a depressing year.” Yet look around and most of us are still standing. We dealt with the challenges that were presented to us. We might not have liked them but we handled them. Some people who lost their jobs actually ended up in better positions. Businesses have become stronger because they worked leaner and smarter. Communities like Las Vegas and San Antonio that have been struck by huge tragedies are closer and prouder than ever before.
Here are some ideas for the first week of November:
- Take inventory of your accomplishments and make sure you document them so you have them ready for your annual review or your success book!
- Mend broken relationships. It does no good to hold grudges. You can be the bigger person by taking the first step.
- Look at your calendar between now and year-end. Consider your commitments, schedules, things you need to do, holiday events, and block necessary time to reduce stress.
- Make a training wish list for next year and plan how you will persuade your executive to support you.
- Request a strategy meeting with your executive to discuss their goals for the next two months. What do they need to get accomplished and how can you help achieve those goals?
- Take advantage of any unused vacation or plan a personal day to organize your personal life before the holidays arrive.
- With the holidays coming, it is more important than ever that you exercise and get good rest. If you are going to finish 2017 with a bang, you must have mental and physical energy.
If you can picture a horse race, many of the horses start out close together in the race but as they go around the track and increase their distance, only a few stretch out in front. Then as the race progresses, often two horses are running neck and neck but only one wins the race—and sometimes just by a nose.
What’s the analogy to people? The majority of the population started out on equal ground in January, then as the race got more challenging, some people fell back, lost their wind and slowed down. As the year comes to end and we come down the home stretch, are you still ahead in the race? Do you have the stamina to go the distance? I hope so as the next eight weeks should be filled with enthusiasm as we see the year come to an end and we eagerly greet 2018!
Let’s do it!
Joan Burge