A Personal Tune-up for Peak Career Performance
If you’re feeling more energized than usual these days, that’s because it’s Spring. As humans, we’re hard-wired to feel the boost that comes with warmer temperatures and fresh, new beginnings everywhere! Even in the cities, there are blooming flowers and baby birds. Life bustles – and we can’t avoid responding.
To me, Spring is a wonderful reminder that I am not just a “mind” that thinks and focuses on work. I am also a body – of which my mind is a part. Humans are, in a way, a marvelous machine. You can feed your mind with all kinds of great information to benefit your career. But if you don’t feed your body with food (fuel) and exercise (tune-ups), then the machine begins to gum up or break down.
To remain a star at work, here are some “personal tune-up” tips to put into practice daily for peak career performance:
- Eat breakfast. You’ve heard it’s the most important meal of the day – and that’s right. Without fuel, you’ll crash, no matter how many cups of coffee you drink.
- Walk once a day. Walking is the no-cost, easy way to keep your energy up and lose weight at the same time. Best of all, you don’t have to break a sweat or go to the gym! Just put on your tennis shoes at break time and go.
- Take short breaks throughout the day. Even if you’re busy, step away for a few moments. You’ll return to your work refreshed and better able to focus.
- Get plenty of sleep. Recent studies show that women, especially, are sleep deprived – which, over time, will reduce your effectiveness and career potential.
- Tackle stress. What causes you to worry? What’s weighing you down? Write a list, and try tackling the items one at a time.
Have a great week!