
Are You Suffering From The Impostor Syndrome

I am so excited it is my birthday this week. I have always loved celebrating my birthday. This year it is extra special because last year, at this time, I was in the hospital having open heart surgery for a mitral valve repair. I am elated I will be spending this birthday with my entire family and not laying in a hospital bed. I am very grateful that I am well and even doing better than ever.

In honor of this year’s birthday, I want to offer you a special gift. A 50% off discount on all Office Dynamics’ online learning programs. Enter coupon code: BDAY64. We have a broad selection (opens in a new tabof topics and I’m sure you will find something that will benefit you.

Ok, for today’s Monday Motivator I have selected a topic from our Who Took My Pen…Again? book. It’s short and sweet but powerful.

The Impostor Syndrome

(From Who Took My Pen . . . Again? By Joan Burge, Jasmine Freeman and Nancy Fraze)

Talking about your shortcomings to your peers or executive—or a mentor—or even a friend outside of work is beneficial. Frankly, it can be a relief when you have people who know you as you really are “today” but who will support your ongoing growth over time.

Have you heard of The Impostor Syndrome? It’s named for the concept that all people cover up to some degree; that they do not always know perfectly what they are doing. We all have a small voice inside, telling us, “If other people only realized what I don’t know ….”

Everyone is so amazed at the opportunities that present themselves and yet here we are, so imperfect. The Impostor Syndrome is that mental merry-go-round of thought that is based upon the idea that we must first be perfect and expert before we would be given this opportunity; we know our ignorance, our own blind spots, yet here we are with the opportunity! Don’t get hung up there. Move on to accept the opportunities and then to grow success in the field where you find yourself. “Bloom where you are planted.”

Honesty is refreshing. Everyone is living life behind a mask, scared to think people might discover what they do not know. Stop hiding. Start talking. “You don’t know what you don’t know” can be a liberating mantra to adopt.

In some instances (and industries) ongoing training and growth is mandatory. And there are some times we are best positioned to allow others more skilled in those areas to take the lead. The important point is to figure out when each of these points comes into play.

We are human, we have strengths and we have shortcomings. Be aware of what these are but do not dwell on them.


My Tips:

  1. They say that nobody is perfect.  Then they tell you practice makes perfect.  I wish they’d make up their minds.  ~Wilt Chamberlain
  2. Since you only get out of life what you put into it, stop complaining and get busy!
  3. Accept your shortcomings, but don’t get comfortable with them.
  4. Stretch yourself; develop new skills each year.
  5. Investing in yourself always pays rich dividends.
  6. Don’t accept mediocrity in yourself.
  7. Don’t beat yourself up for what you don’t know.
  8. Reward your growth and goal completion with something nice.

Wishing you a super fantastic week!

Joan Burge


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