Take Time For A BIG Celebration!
December 1, 2014
Hello, Monday Motivators!
I hope you had a wonderful holiday. I imagine many of you are not back at work this Monday or if you are back at work, you will slowly move through your emails. I hope you have two minutes to read this Monday Motivator.
It is the last month of 2014 and I want to talk about BIG celebrations in December! We will only have 3 Monday Motivators this month and I want to end on a high note. You have spent 11 months living life. That in itself is a BIG accomplishment. For some of you, you have had a fantastic 2014; for others, it has been a long, hard year. Either way, we all have something to celebrate.
Celebrate Your Accomplishments
What I would really like you to do this week is to think about all the positive steps you have taken this year. Do not overlook anything. Consider every obstacle you overcame an accomplishment. Be proud of any new information you absorbed and applied to your life. Did you work on your Wellness Pillar this year by eating more nutritiously at work? Did you work out at the company gym? What about a relationship you mended this year at work? Did you handle a difficult person? What did you add to your bag of skills? The list goes on and on.
You will need to make some quiet time for yourself to make a list of what you want to celebrate. It is good for our health to focus on our accomplishments. When we think about the positive things we have done, our serotonin levels rise. This helps us have a better attitude. As we start this most blessed of holiday seasons, let us celebrate our lives! The fact that we are still standing and probably stronger than we were 11 months ago is plenty to celebrate!
Have a wonderful week.
Joan Burge