mission statement

Mission Statements Help with Workplace Performance

It’s that time of year! In companies across the globe, people just like you and me are completing their year-end performance review materials. We’re examining what we accomplished, how we grew as administrative professionals, and how that energy was leveraged toward the business’ objectives.

Something that really helps me stay on track with my performance objectives is having a mission statement. Seeing it propped up on my keyboard tray provides a continual reminder about the initiatives I want to leverage both at work and in my personal life.

Mission statements don’t have to be complex. They don’t require an MBA to create or think about! Personally, I subscribe to the “Keep It Simple” philosophy. For example, here is mine, right off a blue index card that sits prominently atop my desk:

Be willing to do the best in everything.
Be accountable, even when no one is watching.
It’s my responsibility to take care of myself.
Being my personal best is a day-to-day process.

What about you? Have you thought about creating a mission statement? What do you think it might state that would encourage you to maintain your pace toward your goals or create a happier you?

Mission statement elements should take the form of encouraging and uplifting statements. Make them positive, attainable, personal and open to possibility – because you never know what great event or opportunity might be right around the corner.

If you don’t have a mission statement, I encourage you to create one today. And the best advice I’d offer to create one is this:

• What encouragement might you offer your BFF?
• What values or mottos would you suggest your child live by?

That is exactly the kind of encouraging help you could provide to you daily. After all, aren’t we to first be our own best friend, and then be that same sort of friend to others?

Your mission becomes possible when you offer yourself encouragement and focus. Be your own BFF today, and provide yourself a cup of tea and an encouraging mission statement to focus your energies.

And one final word on performance reviews: if you won’t toot your own horn, who will? It’s not about an inflated ego or shameless pride; it’s about accountability and objectivity. If you did do well, so state. And be grateful you have flourished and grown!

Nancy Fraze is a member of Office Dynamic’s Media Team and a frequent contributor to the OD blog; she also blogs about film at allbestfilms.wordpress.com. She is Poet Laureate Emeritus for the Town of Danville. Nancy runs a creative writing and editing business, “Phrase, Ink” and published her first poetry book, “Paper Wait” in 2008.

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