In part one of “Empowering Tips” I mentioned that the word Empower is not only the theme of the 26th Annual Conference for Administrative Excellence, it is used in a variety of situations and conversations. I highlighted the many professional and personal development focuses that I have learned from Office Dynamics resources, conference, team, and owner – Ms. Joan Burge.
As much as confidence is a key component to embracing and defining your own empowerment, courage is another major component. One thing I hear Joan encourage during conferences, webinars, and one on one conversations is to be courageous. She encourages self-growth, learning, and being in charge of your own development. To borrow a quote from Joan’s Greatest Administrative Secrets Revealed book – “Success is about expanding yourself where you are currently planted.”
It takes courage to accept where you are planted, to recognize your strengths, and see areas of growth as shining opportunities to create the best version of yourself. Being courageous by setting goals that challenge your comfort zone and utilizing the resources that you currently have empowers you. Joan has said several times that we are all capable of so much more than we are currently doing.
During my very first meeting with Joan, a meeting by mere chance in a restaurant before the conference, Joan asked me what I was expecting from the conference. That question ignited thought in me, as stunned (and unprepared) as I was to actually be face to face with her, I dug down and pushed through my shyness and found the courage to make the absolute most out of this short unexpected meeting of chance with a woman I truly admire!
Part of my response was that I wanted to connect with others in my chosen field by sharing tips and questions and answers. She smiled and encouraged me to reach out of my comfort zone and introduce myself to as many attendees as I could; to learn from everyone I met.
That was way out of my comfort zone! It took courage to go up and talk to women I had never met, let alone ask them questions and engage in full-blown conversations. I am so glad I did though! The friendships and tips I took away from my first ever Administrative Professionals conference was empowering to say the least. After attending the 24th Annual Conference for Administrative Excellence, I returned home with more courage to share professional ideas at work. I dedicated time to self-care as often as possible, and focus on professional and personal development goals.
Courage to push yourself even a little out of your comfort zone empowers and encourages self-discovery. When I attended last year’s conference, I was even more confident and courageous, connected with several attendees, and asked a lot of questions. Each opportunity to connect with others and to share ideas empowers us. I encourage you to seek opportunities both professionally and personally, that encourages empowerment of yourself and others.
How do you find courageous ways to expand yourself where you are planted? What are some ways you recently pushed beyond your comfort zone?

Dana Buchanan is a 20 plus year professional assistant with a passion for writing and offers a unique and professional perspective to projects and brainstorming sessions! She enjoys helping others discover key steps toward their career focus, job search, or self-employment exploration by creating or editing resumes, researching a particular type of job search, discovering business ideas and the action needed to succeed and loves sharing interviewing tips! Dana is also available to speak to small groups.
You can read and follow Dana’s blogs at Success Encourager.