The Revolutionary Assistant: Disrupt the Status Quo [Free Webinar Replay]

It’s no secret that our world is changing faster than anyone thought possible. As an assistant in the modern workplace, it can feel practically impossible to keep up with the ever-evolving landscape of technology, innovation, and connectivity. All too often, assistants struggle to adapt. Even those who are naturally agile still feel pulled along by forces outside their control. As successful administrative professionals, we’ve learned to manage in this accelerated environment, but few of us actually thrive in it.

At Office Dynamics, we’re on a mission to change that.

It’s time to embrace this new reality and use it to our advantage. The future is here and we have the opportunity to take an active role in shaping it from this point forward. Now is the time to revolutionize our role, our organizations, and ourselves.

That’s why we’re introducing a brand new concept for 2016: The Revolutionary Assistant—a modern pioneer in the administrative profession and the next step in the evolution of our field. Join Joan Burge, CEO of Office Dynamics, for this exciting webinar to learn more and discover how you too can become The Revolutionary Assistant.

As an attendee, you’ll learn…

  • Why this new frontier poses a massive threat to our profession and your career—and how you can leverage it to create opportunity and minimize risk.
  • Why some best practices of the past are now ineffective and obsolete while others are more important than ever (and how to know the difference!).
  • What it truly means to be revolutionary at work and how it impacts your career.
  • How to not only adapt to dramatic shifts in the workplace but also be a positive force for innovation.
  • How to embrace the revolutionary mindset to take a more influential role within your organization and become an indispensable strategic asset now and in the future.

Don’t stand by and watch the future unfold…Take charge of your professional destiny! Watch the replay of our free webinar, The Revolutionary Assistant, now! Click on the image below.


The Revolutionary Assistant HANDOUT-Office-Dynamics

Free Revolutionary Reinforcement Tool (Printable)

Other items mentioned during the webinar:

Register for our free December webinar>>click here<<.

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