Welcome to Office Life (for administrative professionals)

Have you ever taken the time to go back through old pictures? Over the years, have you collected and packed away special mementos or souvenirs from places you visited? Do you have a box of letters or cards you received that were special and you just couldn’t throw them away? Do you have anything you have kept over the years that were special to you?

Well, since I started Office Dynamics 25 years ago, I have kept hundreds of things that were near and dear to my heart. Everything from thank you letters from workshop attendees to every single ad we ran to special little gifts from clients. I have a storage space filled with boxes of memories. Those boxes also contain useful information that Office Dynamics has provided over 25 years. I was pleasantly surprised to find several issues of a publication I used to write called Office Life. I found the Premier Issue (published in 2000) which is packed with great information, useful tips, and advice. Probably 95% of the 12 pages of information is still applicable today.

Here is one article from the Premier Issue. 

Get Ahead the Smart Way:

Promotions aren’t what they used to be. Titles are virtually meaningless in today’s team-oriented, decentralized organization. And the way to get ahead is no longer climbing a ladder.

What matters today is what you know and how you use it. Here are six ways to get to the upper echelons of your company.

  1. Love what you do. Otherwise, you won’t be able to compete with those who do. You have to love what you’re doing to be great at it. If where you are isn’t what you truly get charged up about, ask yourself what you can get passionate about.
  2. Build your skills. To move ahead, you have to know what you lack. Identify what skills and knowledge you need to get where you want to go. Then get the information or training.
  3. Get varied experience. Companies are constantly putting together temporary teams for a single project. Joining these teams is a good way to raise your visibility and acquire lots of varied experiences.
  4. Be an entrepreneur. Identify a need and take your own initiative to fill that need. Spearhead a cost-saving project, provide a new service, start an administrative team.
  5. Expect raises, not titles. Companies reward people for the value they bring to an organization, not the size of their sphere of influence.
  6. Be good at what you’re doing now. There’s no magic bullet. The best way to get ahead is to be excellent at what you’re doing. Attend extra training conferences, but don’t neglect the duties you hold now.

Download the full issue of Office Life here. >>>Officelife2000<<<

Not bad advice, huh? And imagine. . . I wrote that in 2000 and every bit of it applies in 2015.

I hope you closely follow Office Dynamics the entire month of June as we celebrate our 25th Anniversary and administrative professionals and executives around the world.

Stay connected for great surprises all month long. We’ll be giving away 25 prizes in honor of 25 years throughout the month of June. You will want to be sure you’re connected with us (and engaging) on ALL fronts!

Joan Burge


P.S. If you don’t keep “memory boxes” or “scrapbooks” of your experiences in life, I hope you will start today. It is so much fun to look back on your life and see all the things you have done and people you have met. If you have children and grandchildren you will leave a wonderful legacy.


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