
Do You Have A Problem Saying No?

What are your tips on the best way an assistant can overcome their problem saying no?

“I have a real problem saying no at work. How do assert myself when I can’t take on any more?” This is one question I frequently here from administrative and executive assistants. I’m sure you many of you have encountered this, so I’d like your advice.

“I have a problem saying ‘no’ to anyone. In the past, climbing up to the position I presently hold, it was an asset and it helped me to get noticed and promoted, but now I find it has labeled me as the go-to person. With all the duties I am expected to perform, I just can’t help everyone, yet I find myself doing it anyway. How do I decline without sounding difficult or rude?”

Assistants all over the world have struggled with how to say ‘no’ at work.

My question to my readers: How have you handled or would handle a similar situation?

We encourage you to share in the comments below.

Are you an assistant who doesn’t have any trouble saying no? What has that experience been like for you?

Are you an assistant who has a problem saying no at work? Does that spill over outside of work? What are some of the biggest obstacles for you in saying no when you simply can’t or shouldn’t accommodate a person’s request of you?

Do you simply like being the ‘go-to’ person and yes is your favorite word? Let’s hear it! Please share below.

Need more help in the area of asserting yourself? We’ve got your back. Check out my entire series of blogs and webinars that can help you build your assertiveness in the workplace.

Do you think that saying no to someone means you are a terrible assistant? Check out our article: Qualities of a Great Assistant (spoiler – Yes Man/Woman isn’t on the list of qualities).

Related: How Well Do You Communicate? A guest post by Judi Moreo

Why Being A People-Pleaser Is Bad For Your Health

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